What is Project SEARCH?
Project SEARCH is a high school transition program for high school students who are on an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). This program will prepare students for work and assist with developing soft skills for the workforce.
What does it mean to be in Project SEARCH?
Participating as an intern in Project SEARCH has many benefits.
You will:
- Work for a large company with many job experiences to try
- Gain hands-on experience from three different internships
- Add references from your co-workers and managers to your resume
- Learn more about the soft skills needed to be successful when working
- Build an impressive resume
- Learn about accommodations for work
- Be a part of a team
Other benefits:
- One-on-one training from mentors, instructors, and employees of the hospital
- Work with a skills trainer throughout the day
- Not in school, it is a work schedule
- Transportation provided from your home school to Apollo and then transported to Mercy Health
- Learn soft skills and self-advocacy
- Interns leave with better independence and problem solving skills
As an Intern
- You are provided with a badge through Mercy Health
- Given three uniform shirts provided by Merch Health
- $7.50 a day for lunch to use which is updated daily with the amount.
(No money is exchanged and interns are responsible for any overages) - Transportation to and from
- The ability to network and make new friends
- Work in your own department independently
Important Dates
- March 14, 2025 – All applications are due for Project SEARCH
- March 28, 2025 – Mandatory Skills Day Attendance at Mercy Health
(letters will be sent home with information regarding the days events) - April 4, 2025 – Acceptance letters mailed out
- April/May 2025 – IEP meetings will be scheduled for the Project SEARCH program year goals and objectives
- August 2025 – Mandatory meeting for all new interns accepted into the 25/26 program year
(information will be sent home regarding the meeting) * all new intern paperwork is due* - Late August 2025 – New Interns Start Project SEARCH!
The following forms should be completed to apply. The parent questionnaire is required
and needs to be included with the application when applying:
Project SEARCH OOD Application (if you are already receiving OOD services, you do not need to fill this out)
Each student must:
- Have a current IEP
- Have completed all credits needed for graduation, but be willing to defer his/her diploma until after the Project SEARCH experience
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be eligible for services from OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities)
- Demonstrate appropriate workplace personal hygiene and grooming skills along with daily living skills
- Have independent daily living skills
- Maintain appropriate behavior and social skills in the workplace
- Be able to take direction from supervisors and mentors
- Be able to communicate effectively
- Have previous work experience (including school, volunteer, and/or paid work)
- Use public transportation when available and participate in travel training to ensure success in accessing transportation independently
- Be able to pass drug/alcohol screens, background checks, and have immunizations up to date
- Have the desire and plan to work competitively in the community at the conclusion of the Project SEARCH program
Completion Checklist
☐ Completed Application Packet (please have ALL areas filled out)
☐ OOD Application – included with the application (If applicable and do not already have an open case with OOD)
☐ Parent Transition Questionnaire
☐ Most Current Individual Education Plan (IEP) – Ask for a copy from school
☐ Evaluation Team Report (ETR) – Ask for a copy from school
☐ High School Transcript and Transcripts from any other formal training
☐ Career Assessments, vocational evaluations, and/or resume (if applicable)
Please visit the national Project Search website and Facebook page for more information.
For more information, contact:
Leigh Taylor | Project SEARCH Instructor
Phone number: Office: 419.226.9724
Email [email protected]