Project SEARCH has worked with Marimor Industries, Inc., Employment Services, since the first year of the program (2013). They offer skilled employment specialists, job developers and more. We always have coverage with subs and they work excellent with the staff at Mercy Health/St. Rita’s, the Project SEARCH host site, and report the intern’s growth to Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities.

Nate Gresham

Nate is new to the Project SEARCH program. He served in the Airforce and has worked for Marimor Industries, Inc. for over a year in maintence DSP. He loves working with the interns and he has made a difference in their work skills and attitudes towards work. Interns have given him the name “Nate the Gr8”

Lanae Roy

Lanae has been with Project SEARCH as a skills trainer for two years. She brings a fresh pespective and finds great accomodations to assist on the job learning. She is also a job developer for the program.

Alexis Griffin

Alexis joined us this year as a one on one skills trainer and ended up coming to the program fulltime. She works excellent with individuals who need more attention at times and is great at breaking down ideas and tasks into smaller parts for easier understanding. She celebrates three years at Marimor Industries, Inc.

Carol Payne

Carol started five years ago as a skills trainer. She has made an impact on the program by starting new internships, building relationships and aiding the interns in their success. She is also a job developer and locates jobs in the community for employment. She serves as a part-time trainer and sub. Recently, she added a fulltime position as a salon assistant manager.

Jordan Coulter

Jordan has been subbing for the skills trainers over the last few years when they are not available or have a day off. Jordan has shown that leading the way is a prime example of how to encourage the interns to do the same.

Leigh Taylor

Leigh Taylor is the instructor/coordinator of Project SEARCH. Since 2013, when the program was brought to Lima, OH, she has created a program that is unique and successful. She relates the learning to real life and gives the interns the opportunity to learn self-advocacy and independence and treats all the interns as her employees. Leigh has a Master’s in Education, Intervention Specialist from Bluffton University, and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from The University of Northwestern Ohio (UNOH), She has recently added the Transition To Work (TTW) Endorsement to her license through Bowling Green State University.

Charles Hefner

Charles is Ms. Leigh’s sub and has been with Project SEARCH for seven years. He is always involved in and present for orientation, leadership weeks and any time Ms Leigh is out from work. He is a retired teacher and has an extensive background in teaching and working with the interns. Charles is employed as a sub through Apollo Career Center.