Once you have found a job that you want to accept, you are not done! Services are still provided to ensure success at the workplace. Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities offers services that follow the Project SEARCH Program. Interns who are considered ready for employment with complete agreement from their Project SEARCH team, will enter into Job Development. OOD will process funds for a job developer from Employment Services (Apollo Project SEARCH’s provider of choice) to meet with the intern(s).

They will complete the following steps:

Tier 1 – meet with the skills trainers to go over career expectaions from a job, discussing the hours desired (must be 16 hours a week or more) and the location of the job. Upon completion of the program, interns receive a Career Portfolio. The contents of the packet will contain a resume, letters of recommendation, a competency profile, and any awards or special recognition received while in the program. If needed, a video resume will be created if interviewing will be an obstacle. The Job Developer will find jobs in the community that will fit the interns criteria for community employment and match the interns skills. Once an intern has accepted a position, the intern will be closed out of educational services and the IEP will close, this will be the final IEP.

The first 30 days, the new hire will get follow along services through OOD and Employment Services. Once the new hire is getting the hang of the job, has found good natural supports, the Job Developer will begin to fade. Once they are comfortable and know the job well, can be left to work independently, OOD will close the case as a successful employment placement.

If the new hire needs training for new tasks, contact OOD and they will start a process to get someone in to help and do follow along again Interns who have services through Allen County Board of DD will have follow along for as long as they have their job. The will assist with yearly trainings and updates to the job.

To see about qualifications or getting services through the Allen County Board of DD, please go to: https://acbdd.org/intake-eligibility/