Carrie's Cookbook Archives • Page 39 of 41 • Apollo Career Center
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Carrie’s Cookbook


2 tsp. red sugar crystals
2 tsp. corn syrup
2 martini glasses
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
1 tsp. crushed peppermint candies
2 mint springs
Brownie heart optional


Place sugar crystals in a shallow bowl. Dip martini glass rim in corn syrup and roll edge into the sugar. Add a scoop of your favorite ice cream (any flavor) and garnish with peppermint candies and mint.

Serves 4


1 stick butter
½ cup brown sugar
½ tsp. cinnamon
4 bananas, peeled and sliced
¼ cups dark rum or brandy
Slice pound cake
Vanilla ice cream


Melt butter. Add brown sugar and cinnamon and stir. Add the bananas and cook until caramelized over medium-high heat. Pour in the rum or brandy and light using a BBQ lighter. Be careful; a flame will shoot up above the pan. Let flame extinguish. Serve over sliced pound cake and vanilla ice cream.


2 C graham cracker crumbs (finely crushed)
1/2 c melted margarine (can use fat free margarine spray)

2 C shredded coconut
1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk (can use fat free)
1 ½ c seedless raspberry jam
1 c walnuts, toasted and chopped
1 c semi sweet chocolate chips, melted
1 c white chocolate chips, melted


  • Melt margarine and stir in graham cracker crumbs. Press evenly in bottom of un-greased 9 X 13 in. baking pan
  • Add coconut, and pour canned milk evenly over the coconut layer
  • Bake 20 min or until lightly browned. Cool completely
  • Spread raspberry jam onto coconut layer
  • Add walnuts
  • Drizzle with melted white and dark chocolate

Let set until chocolate is firm (can be refrigerated)

Cut into desired size

To melt chocolate:
Place into microwave safe container and microwave on high 30 – 40 seconds. Stir. Continue this process until chocolate is completely melted. Use immediately.

Toasting walnuts:
Place nuts onto a sheet tray and bake 6-8 minutes at 350°. This process brings out the natural oils in the nut and increases their flavor


2 large ptoates, peeled
2 medium apples, peeled
2 eggs, lighly beaten
¼ c finely chopped onion
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
Oil for frying
Sour cream for garnish


Finely shred potatoes and apples, pat dry. Combine in a bowl with the eggs, onion, flour and salt. In a skillet,
heat ¼ – ½ inch oil over medium high heat.  Drop batter by heaping tablespoons into hot oil.  Flatted to form 3-in pancakes.  Fry until golden brown, turning once. Drain on paper towels.  Serve immediately with sour cream


12 oz pork sausage
5 cups potatoes
1 can green chiled peppers
3 cups Monterey jack and Colby blended
6 eggs
1 ½ cup milk
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup salsa


Spray 13×9 glass baking dish with cooking spray 10 inch skillet cook sausage over medium for 8 to minutes stir till no more pink

Spread frozen potatoes in baking dish sprinkle sausage green chiles and 1 ½  cup of cheese

Beat egg milk salt in medium bowl with fork or whisk until blended pour potatoes mixture sprinkle the rest of the cheese cover refrigerate at least 8 hours

Heat oven 350 bake 50 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean let stand for 10 minutes before serving. Serve with salsa


8 slices unfrosted cinnamon bread, cut into ½ -inch cubes (about 8 cups)
8 eggs
1 cup milk
2 ½ cups real maple syrup
1 teaspoon rum extract
6 firm ripe bananas cut into ½-inch slices
1 cup chopped pecans


Spray bottom of 13×9-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish with cooking spray.
In baking dish, place bread cubes.
In large bowl, beat eggs, milk and ½ cup of the maple syrup with wire whisk.
Pour over bread cubes. Cover tightly; refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight.

Heat oven to 350*F. Uncover; bake 35 to 40 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Top with the banana slices.
In a microwave safe bowl, heat the remaining 2cups of syrup and the 1 tsp of rum extract.
Pour this over the bananas.

Let stand about 10 minutes before serving.


2 tsp olive oil, divided
½ lb lean ground beef
Several dashes Worcestershire sauce
½ small onion, finely chopped
½ small green pepper, finely chopped
½ small tomato, finely chopped
8 large eggs
1 cup cheddar cheese


Brown ground beef with green pepper and onion until no longer pink, drain and rinse.

Return to skillet, add Worcestershire sauce salt and pepper.

Add tomato and cook one minute.

Crack two eggs into a small bowl and beat with 2 Tbsp water, season with salt and pepper.

Put a small nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

Add ½ tsp oil to pan, add eggs and immediately pull edges toward center of pan with a spatula and allow uncooked eggs to run immediately underneath; continue until larger pieces of egg have set, then let cook until bottom is set.

Shake pan to loosen eggs from bottom and sides of skillet.

Fill half of egg disk with ½ cup beef mixture, fold over and top with cheese.

Serve immediately.


1 (1 pound) loaf cinnamon raisin bread, cubed
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
1 cup diced, peeled apples
8 eggs
1 ½ cups half and half cream
6 Tbsp butter, melted
¼ cup maple syrup


Coat a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.

Arrange ½ of the cubed raisin bread in the bottom of the dish.

Sprinkle the cream cheese and apple evenly over the bread.

Top with remaining bread cubes.

In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs with the cream, butter, and maple syrup.

Pour over the bread mixture.

Cover with plastic wrap, press down do that all the bread pieces are soaked.

Refrigerate 2 hours or overnight.

Bake uncovered 45 minutes in a preheated 325° oven.

Let stand 10 minutes before serving.


1 20 oz. package pre-shredded hash brown-style potatoes
2 Large Eggs, lightly beaten
4 Tbsp. Flour
1 Small Sweet Onion, coarsely grated
2 thick slices deli ham, chopped into small bits (about 1 cup)
1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
½ cup grated Parmesan Cheese
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 dozen eggs, scrambled
Chives for garnish


Preheat oven to 400° F, and lightly spray a 12-cup muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray.

Mix the first 8 ingredients together in a large bowl.

Spoon potato mixture into each prepared muffin cup until about 1/3 full.

Gently press the potato mixture down in the middle and up the sides of each cup.

Bake until golden brown, about 25-30 minutes.

If the nests have puffed up too much in the center, scoop out a little with a teaspoon.

Spoon a few tablespoons of scrambled eggs into each nest and top with chives.


1 large baguette
2 large, caramel filled chocolate bars (Harmony)
3 eggs
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
¾ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
3 tbsp butter


Slice baguette into 1 ½ inch thick rounds. Using a serrated knife, cut through the middle of the bottom crusty side of each round to make a slit large enough to hold a square of chocolate. Widen slits and tuck chocolate into each. Place in a 9X13 in baking dish, bunching bread close together to fit.

In a bowl, whisk eggs with milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Pour over bread. Turn bread over to fully soak up the egg mixture. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour or overnight.

Preheat oven to 450°.

Generously brush a large wide baking sheet with melted butter. Spaced soaked bread on baking sheet so pieces are not touching. Bake in center of oven for 8 minutes.

Remove and brush tops of bread with remaining melted butter, turn slices over.

Continue to bake until crusty and deep golden, 8 to 10 more minutes.

Place toasts on plates. Drizzle with chocolate sauce, sprinkle with powdered sugar.