Registration Deadline – June 10th
Summer School Dates – June 12-July 12
Cost – $120 per course
All Summer School courses are offered in an online format only. Students must have failed a course previously in order to enroll in our online APEX program. The nature of online school work is flexible and relies on personal student motivation. Students must provide their own device to use during summer school. After your summer school registration has been verified by your school district, you will receive an email regarding payment or a fee waiver in June. There will be a mandatory video to watch, which will be posted June 1. After watching the mandatory video on how to work in the APEX system, you will receive your username and password on June 12. The deadline to register is June 10, 2024. Classes begin on June 12, 2024 and students will be expected to pace themselves in order to have all work for the class completed July 12, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Those who do not fully complete the coursework will be given a failing grade and the $120 per course will not be refunded. Courses are filled on a first come, first served basis. Students attending Apollo for the 2024-25 school year will have their Summer School fees waived, but must complete the application to attend prior to the start of summer school. If they do not attend Apollo the entire 24-25 school year, they will be billed for the $120 per course.
If you have questions, please email or call 419.998.2908.
If you have questions, please email or call 419.998.2908.
Link to Register:
Summer School 2024 Orientation video
Summer School 2024 Orientation Confirmation