Strawberry Lime Parfait • Apollo Career Center %
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Strawberry Lime Parfait

Serves 6


1 ½ c milk
½ c sugar
¼ c cornstarch
¼ c bottled Key lime juice
½ tsp finely grated lime peel
2 cups whipped topping

Crumb Mixture:
2 Tbsp graham cracker crumbs
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp butter or margarine, melted

1 ½ c sliced fresh strawberries


In a one quart stainless steel or non stick saucepan, stir together milk, sugar, cornstarch, Key lime juice and lime peel with whisk until all of the cornstarch is dissolved. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil one minute.

Cover surface of pudding mixture with plastic wrap to prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until cool.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix crumb mixture; set aside.

Gently fold 2 cups whipped topping into pudding mixture. Spoon ¼ cup of the pudding mixture into each of 6 small parfait glasses or dessert bowls. Sprinkle each with ½ tsp crumb mixture. Arrange 2 Tbsp strawberries over crumb mixture. Repeat layers. Top each with a dollop of addition whipped topping.
Serve immediately.