2 Tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, halved and thinly sliced
1 baking potato (8 ounces), peeled and sliced thin
½ tsp dried rosemary
Course salt and pepper
5 large eggs
5 large egg whites
½ cup whole flat-leaf parsley leaves
¼ c shredded Parmesan cheese
In a medium 10-inch non-stick, broiler proof skillet, heat 1 Tbsp oil over medium heat. Add onion, potato, and rosemary; season with salt and pepper and toss to combine. Cover and cook 10 minutes. Uncover, tossing mixture occasionally, until potato and onion are tender.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk together eggs and egg whites, parsley leaves, ¾ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper.
Heat broiler with rack set 4 inches from heat. Add remaining Tbsp olive oil to vegetables in skillet. Pour egg mixture into skillet.
Cook on stove, over low heat lifting mixture a few times around the edges with a spatula to let egg flow underneath. Continue cooking until frittata is almost set in center, about 10 minutes. Top with Parmesan cheese.
Place skillet under broiler; broil until frittata is set and top is lightly golden, about 3 minutes. Run a clean spatula around edges to loosen, then slide frittata out onto a serving plate, and cut into wedges.