Company Name:
Advance Employment
Advance Employment
Company Address:
18015 SR 65, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Jackson Center, OH 45334
18015 SR 65, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Jackson Center, OH 45334
Date Job is Available:
April 1st, 2023
April 1st, 2023
Deadline for Application:
May 1st, 2023
May 1st, 2023
Job Description:
These are FLEXIBLE positions - to fit your busy schedules - you tell us - which days of the week that you are available to work and those would be the days that we would try to get you on our daily schedule!!!! We have all 3 shifts available, these are considered "Light Manufacturing" jobs - that require no experience. The primary duties of these positions is to assist in preparing the products (plastic bottles) for shipping, quality checks, and other duties as assigned. Pay is from $15.50 to $17.00 per hour - any Sunday worked - pays DOUBLETIME!
These are FLEXIBLE positions - to fit your busy schedules - you tell us - which days of the week that you are available to work and those would be the days that we would try to get you on our daily schedule!!!! We have all 3 shifts available, these are considered "Light Manufacturing" jobs - that require no experience. The primary duties of these positions is to assist in preparing the products (plastic bottles) for shipping, quality checks, and other duties as assigned. Pay is from $15.50 to $17.00 per hour - any Sunday worked - pays DOUBLETIME!
Must be 18 years old.
Must be 18 years old.
How to Apply